Physiotherapy Vertigo Treatment: Regain Your Balance and Quality of Life
Why we believe in Physiotherapy Vertigo Treatment
It’s more than just dizziness
Vertigo is a sensation of spinning or tilting, often accompanied by feelings of unsteadiness. If you experience vertigo, you might feel like you’re spinning, swaying, or being pulled in a particular direction. It’s as if the world around you is in motion when it’s not. Let me delve into the details:
- Causes:
- BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo): This occurs when tiny calcium particles in the inner ear become dislodged and disrupt the normal balance signals sent to the brain.
- Meniere’s Disease: An inner ear disorder linked to fluid buildup and pressure changes, causing vertigo, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), and hearing loss.
- Vestibular Neuritis or Labyrinthitis: Usually related to infection (often viral), leading to inflammation in the inner ear nerves responsible for balance.
- Other Causes: Head or neck injury, brain issues (like stroke or tumor), certain medications, and migraines can also trigger vertigo.
- Symptoms:
- Spinning Sensation: Feeling like you’re spinning or moving.
- Lightheadedness: A false sense of motion.
- Unsteadiness: Loss of balance.
- Accompanying Symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, abnormal eye movements (nystagmus), headache, sweating, and ringing in the ears.
- Treatment:
- Vestibular Rehabilitation: Physical therapy to strengthen the vestibular system.
- Canalith Repositioning Maneuvers: Specific head and body movements to treat BPPV.
- Book Appointment at Olive Physio: Treatment depends on the underlying cause, and some cases resolve without intervention.
Comprehensive approach to vertigo management
At Olive Physiotherapy, considering factors such as inner ear function, posture, and muscle strength. By addressing the root causes, our qualified physiotherapist work closely with patients to make customised treatment plans & Evidence-based treatment strategies which are aimed to provide long-term relief and improve quality of life.
Access Physiotherapy Vertigo Treatment At Olive Physio
Top physiotherapy clinics specializing in vertigo treatment
Olive Physiotherapy is one of the top physiotherapy clinics specializing in vertigo treatment. Olive Physio offer experienced therapists, state-of-the-art equipment, and personalized treatment plans to help you overcome vertigo and regain your balance.
Our recommended local healthcare providers
Seeking specialized care in your area? Book appointment today with our highly recommended local healthcare providers in Lower Mainland offering physiotherapy. With a focus on patient-centered care and positive outcomes. At Olive Physio our therapists are dedicated to helping you will find quicker relief.
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+1 (672) 888 0077
Unit 102 20559 Fraser highway Langley V3A 4G3 BC